Until we meet again...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I wish I could take it all back.
Take every memory, touch, and smile back
but instead they stack higher and higher
only to crash down at warp speed on my heart.
I am constantly being repaired only to be torn
apart again, I think that at one time I loved you
but lust and love are identical twin brothers with
only subtle differences. I wish I could see through
you just as you now see through me, but every time
I see you everything rushes back and I am enveloped
in a title wave of thoughts and confusion. Never the less,
what we have done is beautiful and what I dream of
for you and I, is probably something too big for you to fathom..

2. Giant steps- john coltrane

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Something beautiful can exist without the presence of words.
words often take away from, or are inferior to what you really mean to say.
A sunset is not properly described as beautiful and a fantasy is not given
justice when people say one is erotic or surreal.
Close your mouth for once and internalize the moment, the action, the thought, the dream or the notes, and for one moment it all might makes sense.
The pieces might organize themselves and might enhance your senses.

1. flamenco sketches-miles davis